New HD Majors starting in Fall 2024: be sure to check our detailed information on enrollment and orientation.
The Human Development major is open to students in the College of Human Ecology.
Students interested in pursuing a Human Development major will gain an understanding of Psychological Science broadly, building a strong theoretical and empirical foundation in the behavioral sciences while exploring the social, cultural, biological, and cognitive development of humans across the life course. The major also emphasizes translational research and community engagement concerning health and well-being, social and environmental factors (e.g., schools and neighborhoods), and decision-making on context (e.g., legal settings). Please visit the Human Development fact sheet for additional information.
Admission to the Major
Most students apply to the major during the regular admissions process for the College of Human Ecology and start their time as first-year students. Those students who change major from within the College of Human Ecology simply need to meet with the Student Services Coordinator in the major, Tim Snyder, and submit a change of major form. Students from outside the college will need to do an internal transfer into the college and the major (admissions link here). We recommend that students change major before their Junior Year, though, depending on previous coursework, exceptions have been made to this deadline.
General requirements for students entering the Major starting in or after Fall 2023
Students who entered the Major before Fall 2023 have the option of following the new requirements described on this webpage, or the old requirements found here. (The old breadth requirements are listed at the bottom of this webpage.)
- Completing a total of 40 credits in human development (including prerequisites). Students must earn a grade of C- or better in each course. Courses, except for HD 4010 Empirical Research, must be taken for a letter grade. First-year Writing Seminars (FWS) or AP courses cannot be counted towards the credit requirements.
- Demonstration of proficiency in statistics before the beginning of the senior year by passing PSYCH 2500 Statistics and Research Design with a C- or better, by passing an approved course or course sequence in statistics in some other department at Cornell, or by passing an exemption examination by arrangement with Professor Thomas Cleland. Additional information about the statistics requirements for Psychology majors, including allowable courses in other Cornell departments, can be found here.
Demonstration of proficiency in research methods or scientific literacy before the beginning of the senior year by passing any of the following courses with a C- or better:
HD 2830/PSYCH 2830 Research Methods in Human Development
HD 2930/PSYCH 2930, Data Science for Social Scientists I
PSYCH 3020, Methods in Neuroscience
PSYCH 3420, Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory
HD 4765 How to Think Like a Scientist
COMM 2820 Research Methods in Communication Studies
GOVT 3999 How Do You Know That?
STS 2011 What is Science?
BIOG 1500 Investigative Biology Laboratory
HD 1130 Introduction to Lifespan Development
Completing two courses in developmental psychology:
PSYCH 2090 Mechanisms in Developmental Psychology
HD 2150 Infancy and Childhood
HD 2170 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
HD 2180 Adulthood and Aging
HD 2510 Social Gerontology; Aging and the Life Course
HD 2610 Development of Social Behavior
Completing one course that emphasizes one of the following areas:
Translational Research (i.e., moving basic scientific findings into practice):
PSYCH 2090 Developmental Psychology
HD 2150 Infancy and Childhood
HD 2170 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
PSYCH 2230 Intro to Behavioral Neuroscience
PSYCH 2820 Community Outreach
HD 3190 Memory and the Law
PSYCH 3250 Intro to Adult Psychopathology
HD 3290 Self-Regulation Across the Life Span
HD 3300 Developmental Psychopathology
PSYCH 3320 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
HD 3450 The Nature of Leadership
HD 3460 Serious Fun: The Role of Play in Children's Development
HD 3530 Risk and Opportunity Factors in Childhood and Adolescence
HD 4250 Translational Research on Decision Making
HD 4260 Translational Research in Memory and Neuroscience
PSYCH 4320 Topics in Cognitive Science
HD 4400 The Nature of Intelligence
HD 4490 Children's Learning in Social Context
PSYCH 4500 Psychology at the Sciencenter!
HD 4540 Creativity and Its Development
HD 4550 The Psychology of Wisdom
Social and Environmental Influences (e.g., neighborhoods, communities):
PSYCH 1500 Environmental Psychology
PSYCH 2090 Developmental Psychology
HD 2150 Infancy and Childhood
PSYCH 2150 Psychology of Language
PSYCH 2170 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
HD 2180 Adulthood and Aging
PSYCH 2750 Introduction to Personality
PSYCH 2820 Community Outreach
HD 3190 Memory and the Law
PSYCH 3250 Adult Psychopathology
HD 3300 Developmental Psychopathology
HD 3310 Psychology of Gender
PSYCH 3450 On Being Social
HD 3460 Serious Fun: The Role of Play in Children's Development
HD 3530 Risk and Opportunity Factors in Childhood and Adolescence
HD 4210 Native American Psychology
HD 4250 Translational Research on Decision Making
HD 4260 Translational Research in Memory and Neuroscience
PSYCH 4320 Topics in Cognitive Science
HD 4340 Current Topics in Cognitive Development
HD 4400 The Nature of Intelligence
HD 4490 Children's Learning in Social Context
HD 4500 Social Networks
PSYCH 4500 Psychology at the Sciencenter!
HD 4770 Psychopathology in Great Works of Literature
PSYCH 4770 Advanced Developmental Seminar
PSYCH 4940 Moral Psychology in Action
Cross-Cultural Perspectives (both within and across nations):
PSYCH 2090 Developmental Psychology
HD 2150 Infancy and Childhood
PSYCH 2150 Psychology of Language
PSYCH 2170 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
HD 2180 Adulthood and Aging
PSYCH 2750 Introduction to Personality
PSYCH 2820 Community Outreach
HD 3190 Memory and the Law
HD 3300 Developmental Psychopathology
HD 3310 Psychology of Gender
HD 3450 The Nature of Leadership
HD 3460 Serious Fun: The Role of Play in Children's Development
PSYCH 4150 Culture, Cognition, Humanities
HD 4210 Native American Psychology
HD 4260 Translational Research in Memory and Neuroscience
PSYCH 4270 Evolution of Language
PSYCH 4320 Topics in Cognitive Science
HD 4340 Current Topics in Cognitive Development
HD 4400 The Nature of Intelligence
HD 4490 Children's Learning in Social Context
HD 4540 Creativity and Its Development
HD 4550 The Psychology of Wisdom
PSYCH 4770 Advanced Developmental Seminar
The Person in Context (individuals within legal, educational, medical settings, etc.)
PSYCH 2090 Developmental Psychology
HD 2150 Infancy and Childhood
PSYCH 2170 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
HD 2180 Adulthood and Aging
PSYCH 2820 Community Outreach
HD 3190 Memory and the Law
PSYCH 3250 Adult Psychopathology
HD 3290 Self-Regulation Across the Life Span
HD 3300 Developmental Psychopathology
HD 3310 Psychology of Gender
HD 3450 The Nature of Leadership
HD 3460 Serious Fun: The Role of Play in Children's Development
HD 3530 Risk and Opportunity Factors in Childhood and Adolescence
HD 4210 Native American Psychology
HD 4250 Translational Research on Decision Making
HD 4260 Translational Research in Memory and Neuroscience
PSYCH 4320 Topics in Cognitive Science
HD 4340 Current Topics in Cognitive Development
HD 4400 The Nature of Intelligence
HD 4490 Children's Learning in Social Context
PSYCH 4500 Psychology at the Sciencenter!
HD 4540 Creativity and Its Development
HD 4550 The Psychology of Wisdom
HD 4770 Psychopathology in Great Works of Literature
PSYCH 4770 Advanced Developmental Seminar
Engaged Learning (partners with a community organization)
PSYCH 2820 Community Outreach
PSYCH 3270 Field Practicum I
PSYCH 3280 Field Practicum II
HD 4490 Children's Learning in Social Contexts
PSYCH 4500 Psychology at the Sciencenter!
PSYCH 4940 Moral Psychology in Action
- To ensure depth, students are required to take at least one content course from the 3000 level and one course from the 4000 level. Independent Study courses will not fulfill this requirement.
- Students are encouraged to take independent study or field work (HD 4010 Empirical Research; research conducted under the supervision of a professor). Up to 12 of these credits may be counted towards the major.
- Students should refer to the list of our current and upcoming courses
- With the permission of the CHE registrar, courses in other departments or at other universities (such as through Cornell Abroad) may be accepted toward fulfilling the major requirements. If the latter, students should be prepared to produce a syllabus. The course substitution form can be found here.
Are you a new student? Psychology advising will help you plan the years ahead.
Freshmen - First Semester
We strongly recommend the following courses:
- HD 1130 Introduction to Human Development (required)
- An introductory course in Biology - If you are NOT a pre-med student, enroll in BIOG 1140: Foundations of Biology. This course is offered only in the Fall semester, so we suggest you take it in your first semester, if you can. (Pre-health students should review the Scheduling Tips at this link: New Student Orientation Information and consider taking BIOMG 1350, BIOG 1440, or BIOG 1445)
- First-Year Writing Seminar (John S. Knight Institute information)
- HD 2024-2025 Curriculum Sheet requirement, such as a non-HD CHE course (DEA, FSAD, NS, PUBPOL) or Social Science (SOC 1101 or ECON 1110)
- A physical education class (recommended to complete freshman year)
Special Advice for Premeds
- Plan to attend the Pre-Med/Pre-Health Orientation (Fall 2023 Date TBA).
Here's why:- You'll get the most accurate answers to your questions.
- Pre-med advisers can help you get the classes you need BEFORE classes begin.
- Explore Cornell's excellent pre-med course options.
Contact Us
Lauren Korfine, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Martha Van Rensselaer Hall, Room G216
Timothy Snyder, Undergraduate Assistant - Human Development
MVR Hall, Room G201
E-mail: tps78@cornell.edu
Phone: 607-255-3181
College of Human Ecology Student and Career Development Office
For additional help in class schedule planning,
get information and schedule an appointment here.
General requirements for students who entered the Major before Fall 2023
These students have the option of following the breadth requirement OR the new requirements described above.
Human Development majors must take at least ONE class in EACH of the two areas listed below. Classes marked with * (a star) may count for either area but only count once. A minimum of six credits must be taken to fulfill this requirement. Courses taken to fulfill the Breadth requirement cannot also be used to fulfill the 3000/4000 level requirement.
Mind, Health & Emotion:
HD 2180 Human Development: Adulthood and Aging *
HD 2520 Narratives of Women's Lives
HD 2510 Social Gerontology: Aging and the Life Course
HD 2580 Six Pretty Good Books: Explorations in Social Science *
HD 2600 Introduction to Personality
HD 2610 Development of Social Behavior *
HD 2650 Psychology and Law *
HD 2710 The Black Family and Socialization of Black Children *
HD 2800 Cultural Psychology *
HD 2820 Community Outreach
HD 3270 Field Practicum I
HD 3280 Field Practicum II
HD 3290 Self-Regulation Across the Life Span *
HD 3300 Developmental Psychopathology
HD 3310 Psychology of Gender
HD 3320 Gender and Psychopathology
HD 3450 The Nature of Leadership
HD 3460 Serious Fun! The Role of Play Throughout Development *
HD 3490 Positive Psychology
HD 3510 Racial and Ethnic Identity Development
HD 3570 Social Inequalities in Physical and Mental Health
HD 3620 Human Bonding
HD 3650 Developmental Human Sexuality
HD 3660 Affective and Social Neuroscience *
HD 3700 Adult Psychopathology
HD 4070 The Origins of Us vs. Them
HD 4120 Aging Policy
HD 4230 Research in Children's Testimony: Exploring Social and Cognitive Mechanisms *
HD 4240 Stress, Emotion, and Health
HD 4280 Research on Health Aging Lab
HD 4310 Mind, Self, and Emotion *
HD 4390 Positive Psychology in Prison
HD 4410 Human-Environment Relations *
HD 4420 Intimate Relationships
HD 4430 Navigate the Social World
HD 4490 Children's Learning in Social Context *
HD 4500 Social Networks *
HD 4520 Culture and Human Development
HD 4570 Health and Social Behavior
HD 4580 The Science of Social Behavior
HD 4590 Transitions Across the Life Span
HD 4690 Research on Adult Attachment Phenomena Lab
HD 4770 Psychopathology in Great Works of Literature
HD 4790 Contemporary Perspectives on Human Development *
HD 4850 Translational Research Lab
HD 4860 Nearest Neighbor
Cognition, Brain & Behavior
HD 2180 Human Development: Adulthood and Aging *
HD 2200 The Human Brain and Mind: An Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
HD 2300 Cognitive Development
HD 2350 Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Early Childhood
HD 2580 Six Pretty Good Books: Explorations in Social Science *
HD 2610 Development of Social Behavior *
HD 2650 Psychology and Law *
HD 2710 The Black Family and Socialization of Black Children *
HD 2800 Cultural Psychology *
HD 3110 Educational Psychology
HD 3190 Memory and the Law
HD 3210 Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
HD 3250 Neurochemistry of Human Behavior
HD 3290 Self-Regulation Across the Life Span *
HD 3330 Children and the Law
HD 3460 Serious Fun! The Role of Play Throughout Development *
HD 3660 Affective and Social Neuroscience *
HD 4230 Research in Children's Testimony: Exploring Social and Cognitive Mechanisms *
HD 4250 Translational Research on Decision Making
HD 4260 Translational Research on Memory and Neuroscience
HD 4290 Psychology and the Law: Experimental and Correlational Research
HD 4300 Concepts and Theories in Childhood
HD 4310 Mind, Self, and Emotion *
HD 4340 Current Topics in Cognitive Development
HD 4380 Language and Thought Throughout Development
HD 4410 Human-Environment Relations *
HD 4440 The Nature of Human Intelligence
HD 4450 Ethical Challenges in Behavioral and Brain Sciences
HD 4470 Psychology of Imagination
HD 4490 Children's Learning in Social Context *
HD 4500 Social Networks *
HD 4540 Creativity and Its Development
HD 4620 Research Seminar: Brain Activity and Cognition Lab
HD 4630 Introduction to Functional MRI Analysis for Human Neuroimaging
HD 4720 Research in Emotion, Cognition, and Brain Lab
HD 4765 How to Think Like a Scientist
HD 4790 Contemporary Perspectives on Human Development *