Conduct Research
Cornell Psychology has a long and highly respected history of producing undergraduates that are fluent in critical thinking, research design and implementation, and experimentation. Direct involvement and participation in research is a crucial stepping stone to graduate studies, clinical psychology programs, and other post-graduate education and professional positions.
Research for Credit
The first step toward conducting research involves contacting faculty members of the Psychology department to volunteer in a laboratory, receive course credit for conducting research (PSYCH 4700), or to inquire about research for pay when opportunities are available (through Cornell Student Employment).
Honors Research
Rising Seniors with prior research experience can consider applying for the Honors Program in Psychology or Honors Program in Human Development to conduct a project of their own and earn this special distinction.
Research and Travel Awards
The Department of Psychology offers awards to Cornell undergraduate students engaged in research to facilitate conducting empirical research and/or for the dissemination of that research.
The overall goal of these awards is to promote undergraduate research in psychology at Cornell. Our awards aim to provide funds to help motivated and talented undergraduate students undertake independent empirical work and take part in the dissemination of the work via attendance at national conferences. Although students from all majors/minors are encouraged to apply, priority will be given to Psychology, Human Development, Cognitive Science, and Moral Psychology majors and minors.
Funds are generously provided by the Halpern and Rosevear families.
Individual awards can be requested for up to a maximum of $500 for the purposes of research support or attendance at conferences. More information on each award and purpose is provided below.
Undergraduate students will need to download, complete and submit a nomination form. For each nominated undergraduate, a Psychology department faculty member must send a brief statement of support for each applicant, including the amount requested and the purpose of the award. Please send all materials to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Lauren Korfine (
Students may apply for these awards between September 1, 2024, and March 31, 2025. For senior recipients, funds must be spent prior to graduation.
Importantly, these awards are only given to undergraduates who have already applied for research awards at the College level, such as the Einhorn and Undergraduate Research awards offered through The College of Arts & Sciences. (For more information about these awards and other undergraduate research opportunities, please visit The College of Arts & Sciences website.)
The Psychology Department Undergraduate Research Award provides support to offset the cost associated with research; the funds can be used for participant payments and equipment. Funds for this award are sent directly to the student's bursar account.
The Psychology Department Undergraduate Travel Award provides support to offset the cost associated with business-related travel to present or actively participate in a conference on behalf of the student's faculty mentor and the university. Funds for this award are sent directly to the student's bursar account.
Summer Undergraduate Research (SURF)
The Psychology Summer Undergraduate Research program provides funding support to Cornell Psychology undergraduates interested in gaining research experience and pursuing a career in the field of Psychology.
The summer appointment period for 2024 will fall within June 7, 2024, and August 18, 2024. Students may apply for individual projects which normally run for eight weeks. Hours per week are project specific and compensation of $16/hour is provided. Research can take place in the lab or virtually; the format will be approved by the faculty supervisor.
This is a competitive program with limited funding open only to Cornell Human Development and Psychology majors. Students from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented/historically excluded in higher education are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and eligible for employment in the United States.
Interested students should contact a faculty mentor to initiate the application process; students must have a mentor (new or current) committed to work with them over the summer before applying.
The application deadline for summer 2025 will be posted in Spring 2025.
You must apply online by TBD, via Workday: here .
A complete application, compiled into a single PDF, will include:
- Completed questionnaire, available here,
- Current CV/Resume, and
- Personal statement of research and professional goals (one page maximum, single spaced, 11--12 point font) in which you describe research, educational, and personal experiences that you consider relevant to your career goals.
In addition, a short statement acknowledging support from faculty mentors is required. Mentors should note this acknowledgement here by TBD.
Contact us with questions at
Undergraduate Awards (Cornell Human Ecology)
Human Ecology Summer Research Stipends for Undergraduates
Cornell Human Ecology (CHE) provides a limited number of $6,000 summer research stipends to CHE undergraduates who will be involved in full-time summer research with a CHE faculty member. Both the student and the faculty member must be in CHE.
Students and their faculty mentors must both submit applications. Students should work with faculty members in preparing the two-three page proposal that is required as part of the application.
All currently enrolled (Spring 2025) CHE students may apply provided that they have a CHE faculty research advisor, are enrolled full-time, are in good academic standing, and will be continuing as a CHE undergraduate student in the fall semester. Students must be available for a full-time, eight-week summer research position. Simultaneous enrollment in courses is not permitted. Students must submit either weekly reflections or short reports at the end of the research experience. In addition, students present a summary of their work at the end of the summer.
Faculty members must review and approve the student’s application proposal before the student submits it and also must submit a separate application. Faculty members must provide on-site supervision during the student’s eight-week summer research experience.
The priority application deadline for 2025 is February 21, 2025. Application forms and instructions are available here.
Human Ecology Alumni Association (HEAA) Research Grants
The Human Ecology Alumni Association awards HEAA Student Grants annually to undergraduates who wish to further the three objectives of the college: research, teaching, and outreach. Grants typically range from $500 to $1,000.
Participate in Research
A significant portion of the research conducted by the Psychology department relies on the participation of others. The nature of the work that rests on the participation of the community includes studying language in babies, children and adults, studying judgment and decision-making, studying mechanisms of perception, cognition, attention, and memory, and studying development of social behavior.
Research for Course Credit
Undergraduate students can participate in research for extra credit or as part of their courses through SONA.
Voluntary or Paid Research Participation
Some opportunities to be a paid participant also exist. Announcements are made in Psychology classes, and researchers often post flyers with information and requests for participants in both Uris and Martha Van Rensselaer Halls.
Our department has a long tradition of conducting developmental research to better understand human health and social behavior. The Lifespan Labs at Cornell (LiLaC) are a group of research labs which study all stages of human development, from infancy and childhood to adolescence and adulthood. Studies take place on the Cornell campus, in local museums and schools, in family homes, and online. Participants of all ages are needed.
We welcome your assistance in the work that we do.