Join the Psychology Community


Tim DeVoogd with student

The Psychology community at Cornell is large and offers several opportunities to be involved, develop professional skills, and to network. Here are some of the ways you can get involved.

Psi Chi

Psi Chi is the International Honors Society in Psychology. Being a part of this organization gives you exclusive opportunities for professional development in psychology and related fields, and is an opportunity to meet other students interested in these areas.

The Cognition and Neural Systems (CNS) Journal Club:

You can enroll in the CNS Journal Club for graduate or undergraduate credit (1 CR, S/U) as a Topics in Biopsychology seminar: PSYCH 6271. The course requires that you present at least once during the semester and participate actively overall. You are welcome to attend without enrolling, of course, but we do appreciate you enrolling if you plan to attend the whole semester and to present.

Meets on Tuesdays from 11:40 to 1:00 pm in Ives Hall 107.

CUP Conference

The Cornell Undergraduate Psychology Conference is a unique opportunity for undergraduate students to experience a professional conference in the field, to share and present their work, meet other students, and learn about the various kinds of exciting, cutting-edge work being conducted here at Cornell.

Click here for information about the Spring 2025 conference.

Departmental Colloquium

The department hosts renowned speakers from all over the world to visit and speak about their research. These lectures are held most Friday afternoons (from 12:20-1:30) and are open to the Cornell community. Undergraduates are encouraged to attend our departmental colloquium.

Click here to access the Colloquium Schedule for speakers and locations.

Graduate Research Seminar

Similarly, our department hosts the Graduate Research Seminar every spring semester, where Psychology Department Graduate Students present their original research. The GRS occurs on Monday afternoons (Uris Hall G90 from 12:20-1:30). 

Undergraduates are welcomed and encouraged to attend our departmental colloquium and the Graduate Research Seminar.

Professional Opportunities

The Psychology Department has established a Google group, Psychology Internships and Positions, to disseminate information about psychology research assistant positions, summer internships, full-time positions in research labs, clinical opportunities, etc.

If you would like to join the group, please visit the link above and click the "Ask to join group" link. Since the list is open to Cornell undergraduates only, you must use your Cornell email address to sign up.

Once you are in the group, you can choose how you receive information.  You can receive all the emails as they post, or get a digest once a day, or view it as a web site.  You will need a Google account to join the group.
