Vivian Zayas with graduate students


The Graduate Fields in the Department of Psychology include faculty members from domains across the university including Psychology, Human Development, and Neurobiology and Behavior. The goal of both Fields is to educate students to become researchers, scholars, and teachers who will contribute to the future of psychology as a scientific discipline in academic or other research-oriented settings


Reflections in the windows of URis Hall

Structure of Our Graduate Programs

Currently we are a department with four areas, two graduate fields, and three Ph.D. programs, with concentrations that map onto structures of Psychology and Human Development. Click on the links below to explore the program and its concentrations in detail.

Field of Psychology

•Psychology Ph.D 

Field of Human Development

•Developmental Psychology M.A.

•Developmental Psychology Ph.D

•Human Development and Family Studies M.A.

•Human Development and Family Studies Ph.D. 

Psychology graduate students

Graduate Course Spotlight: Psychology at the Sciencenter!

When the 11 graduate students in PSYCH 4500, Psychology at the Sciencenter!, first walked into their classroom, instead of chairs they found a “maker” space: walls lined with shelves of crafts supplies like glue, string, foam board, nails, marbles, and the ever-versatile duct tape. Their first assignment: create a science demo based on a simple description.

Click here to read more about our students' experiences with hands-on science communicataion.
