Faculty Office Hours, Spring 2025

Faculty Office Hours, Spring 2024
FacultyEmailOfficeOffice Hours
Anderson, A.aka47@cornell.edu162 HEB 
Brainerd, C. cb299@cornell.eduG331
MVR Hall 
Burrow, A. alb325@cornell.eduG211
MVR Hall 
Bush, L.lsb229@cornell.edu245
Uris Hall 
Monday 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
MVR Hall 
Casasola, M. mc272@cornell.edu1300B
MVR Hall
Ceci, S. stevececi@cornell.eduG110
MVR Hall 
Christiansen, M.mhc27@cornell.edu228
Uris Hall
Cleland, T.tac29@cornell.edu278E
Uris Hall
By appointment
Dahl, Audunad952@cornell.eduG211
MVR Hall
De Rosa, E. edd56@cornell.edu173 HEB  
DeVoogd, T.tjd5@cornell.edu278B
Uris Hall
Edelman, S.se37@cornell.edu232
Uris Hall
Tuesday and Thursday 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Evans, G. gwe1@cornell.eduG415
MVR Hall
Field, D.djf3@cornell.edu246
Uris Hall
Gilovich, T.tdg1@cornell.edu226
Uris Hall
Monday 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM in the Temple of Zeus, Klarman Atrium
Goldstein, M.mhg26@cornell.edu270
Uris Hall
Wednesday 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM and by appointment
Gonzalez, M.mzg5@cornell.eduT227
MVR Hall 
Hazan, C. ch34@cornell.eduG215
MVR Hall 
Hobbs, W.wrh75@cornell.eduT231
MVR Hall
Hoffman, A.ajh324@cornell.eduT229
MVR Hall 
Inniss-Thompson, M.mni6@cornell.edu  
Jacoby, N. kj338@cornell.eduG204
MVR Hall 
Korfine, L.lk79@cornell.eduG216
MVR Hall 
Krosch, A.ark256@cornell.edu250
Uris Hall
Loeckenhoff, C. cel72@cornell.eduG227
MVR Hall 
Mendle, J. jem482@cornell.eduG213
MVR Hall 
Niemi, L.ln279@cornell.edu244
Uris Hall
In person or Zoom by appointment
Ong, A. ado4@cornell.eduG209
MVR Hall 
Ophir, A.ago25@cornell.edu218
Uris Hall
Pennycook, G.grp58@cornell.edu274
Uris Hall
By appointment
Pillemer, K. kap6@cornell.eduG225
MVR Hall 
Pizarro, D.dap54@cornell.edu234
Uris Hall
Prior N.nhp32@cornell.edu240
Uris Hall
Reyna, V. vr53@cornell.eduG331D
MVR Hall 
Rottenberg, J. jar633@cornell.eduG224
MVR Hall 
Segal, H.hgs2@cornell.edu222
Uris Hall
Smith, D.dms248@cornell.edu236
Uris Hall
Monday 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM and by appointment
Sternberg, R. rjs487@cornell.eduG101
MVR Hall
Swallow, K.kms424@cornell.edu230
Uris Hall
Tuesday 11:45 AM - 1:45 PM sign up at 
(book multiple times for longer appointments) and by appointment
Thoemmes, F.fjt36@cornell.eduG201F MVR HallMonday 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM in MVR and Thursday 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM in 242 Uris Hall
Trautmann, C.cht2@cornell.edu220
Uris Hall
Tschida, K. kat227@cornell.edu224
Uris Hall
Thursday 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Wang, Q.qiwang@cornell.eduG231 
MVR Hall
Wells, J. kat227@cornell.edu
MVR Hall
Williams, W. wendy.williams@cornell.eduG108
MVR Hall
Zayas, V.vz29@cornell.edu238
Uris Hall
Thursday 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM or by appointment via Zoom unless otherwise discussed

