Stephen Ceci

Helen L. Carr Professor of Developmental Psychology

Research Focus

My research activities involve three lines of inquiry, each of which generated multiple new publications during 2017. These three lines are: 1) children & the law (suggestibility, competence to testify, deception, coerced confessions), 2) women and science (sex discrimination in hiring, mentoring, stereotypes), and 3) intellectual development (cross-cultural influences, schooling, intelligence, cognitive sex differences, and achievement gaps). In my women-in-science research with Wendy Williams, we published several new articles and we co-edited a volume (in press). In addition, I conducted and published multiple experiments on children's testimonial competence (with members of my lab group).  And I published several articles/chapters on intellectual development. 

PSYCH Courses - Spring 2025

HD Courses - Spring 2025
